From there, the quest will give detailed instructions on where to go next, including going to Highmountain to survey dig sites and gather 600 Bone Fragments of Eche'ro. In order to start this quest, you're going to need to go to Dalaran and scoop up the Right Path quest. The Legion Archealogy quest is only available for the next two weeks, so if you want this mount you're going to need to act fast. For those looking to not miss out on the second chance at this mount, you're going to want to take on the Legion Archeology quest: a series of tasks that will result in this beautiful mount. It's not as simple as picking it up World of Warcraft players will need to take on a few quests in order to get this Big Boi.

This mount made its first wave of availability back in February and now it's that time of year once more. You will be spending a lot of time in the realm of the covenant you choose completing weekly Callings (just like Emissary missions from BFA) and engaging with various systems in your Covenant Sanctum, including the Command Table, Forge of Bonds, and Covenant Upgrades.How to Unlock Rare Spirit of Eche'ro Mount In World of Warcraft Further, you'll participate in your covenants campaign and earn several mounts and cosmetic items that will only be available to members of your covenant. The covenant you choose will provide you with two new abilities, one signature and one class-specific, as well as access to three soulbinds that will provide you with uniques pathways to additional power. RELATED: WoW I Sure Hope This Guy Isn't Secretly Evil!Īs you played through the Shadowlands campaign, you've already had the opportunity to experiment with each of the four covenants. With that said, here's everything you need to know before you choose your covenant. For that reason, it's important to remember there is no wrong answer when picking a covenant. We can't know how balance changes will affect covenants in the future and it's possible that the "best" covenant today will get nerfed later while the "worst" covenant could eventually end up being the best. The grind gets even worse if you ever decide to return to a covenant your previously left, so it is in your best interest to choose a covenant and stick to it. While the decision can be changed later, there is a significant amount of catch up you'll need to do if you end up picking a different covenant. As soon as you complete the Shadowlands campaign and hit level 60 you'll be asked to choose one of the four covenants to bind your soul to for the next two years.